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Avengers fanfiction tony scared of the team

Avengers fanfiction tony scared of the team. When the team gets kidnapped and are forced to live through their fears, Tony helps them along, but who will help him when it's his turn? Jan 11, 2014 · Team Triggers Tony; Quiet Tony Stark; Complete; Bookmarker's Notes. He was afraid for Steve, the man who'd gone to sleep in the middle of a war, and woken up 70 years later to an alien world. Then who would’ve been the eye candy of The Avengers on the other hand are both confused and now stuck trying to figure out what happened to the God of Mischief and what keeps making him so afraid. But not Tony Stark. Thor's going to have a lot of explaining to the team about Loki's past to cause him to be scared of needles. He glanced at Bruce and backed out of his reassuring arms. What Tony didn’t understand was why Steve still followed him around everywhere after he basically called him insensitive and heartless – hell, he practically insulted the whole team, and yet he hadn’t said anything in retaliation! Jul 9, 2012 · Tony Stark is not afraid of anything. Tony turned around and walked straight to Bruce. It broke Steve's heart to see Tony so scared, but this was a medical issue and Steve had to stay strong for Tony even though he was scared too. "You guys know how I was kidnapped in Afghanistan?" May 11, 2015 · Tony wouldn't let it happen again. Good thing Tony is there to defuse the bomb and his methods not only get Bruce but the whole team to start thinking about the Big Guy in a different light TeamFriendship, ScienceBros Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. When they do Steve flashes back to a past of open wounds. Let's not ever speak of that again," Steve added. Add SHIELD and a new enemy, and it only gets harder. He was afraid for the man he was starting to fall in love with. And if you feel threatened, we'll just have no choice but to forcibly remove this bastard from my tower. After yet another successful mission, Steve decided that the team deserved and needed some time for relaxation. Sighing Clint swam over to the edge of the pool and pulled himself out sitting down next to Tony. The first person's heart he wanted to be entrusted with. - Words: 5,460 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 1,930 - Follows: 463 - Published: 10/8/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8594316 Then two months later there was the fiasco with regard to the Spider-man and the Vulture. "He thinks you hate him. Unfortunately, the opposite happened, and the committee decided to expand the Accords even more to encompass all enhanced vigilantes, no matter their level of involvement (read: Spider-Man). Do Not Hulk Out. Behind the Tears of a Clown. Tony doesn't join them in their pool fun, and a few on the team try to change that with unintended consequences. I'm afraid she knows you haven't eaten in 79 hours" Jarvis explained and I glared up at the ceiling, "And who told her that I wonder?". " He couldn't. "Tony" Steve didn't know where to begin. " Tony grinned. "'Cause even I feel a little threatened. "Friday, give me his vitals, and why wasn't I alerted earlier?" A nice voice replied, sounding patient. His Highness. —LINE BREAK— After his wakeup in Afghanistan, Tony became a very soulful guy. It would seem that Tony was less afraid when people were loud. He was one of those guys who just wanted the attention of the public and the superhero team. "Thank you," Tony mumbled into Bucky's stomach when he turned around and Bucky smiled down at him. Tony could hear the hiss of the door opening behind him and footsteps approaching him. "Jarvis. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Captain America/Steve R. It was now 30 floors taller than it had been previously and Tony had given a floor to each member of the team. Naughty Tony. Tony Stark would joke in front of a court of law. "Hulk smash!" Hulk informed in a pretty proud voice. They had seen the footage on Tony's file about what had happened in Afghanistan, they knew about Tony's fear of still water. "I don't really care, even if I'm kicked off the team, I'll still be out there fighting. , Hulk/Bruce B. Tony had wanted to invite them to that nice Italian place he loved (the only real Italian place in New York according to his mother), but Steve had rejected his proposal saying that it seemed unfair to Tony that he ended up paying for their food every time. "Well, if we are all sharing," Tony took a deep breath, "I'm scared of being surrounded by water. There was really no need for clarification. oOo. Tony does something stupid, but thankfully Dum-E is around to make Tony get his shit together. Tony Tony had told them all about Steve's fear of ice, his PTSD, because he'd been 'worried' about the captain. Everyone tries to resume life as normal. I'm serious, sto-"Tony was cut off there as her was plunged into the water. He couldn't. "20 seconds Sir. "Maybe he needs to come talk to me," Tony shot back. Agent Barton… you aren't scared… I thought the big bad secret agent wouldn't be scared of the dark… but your heart is beating awfully Tony Stark is the only Omega on a team full of Alphas and the team takes advantage of this fact. Which surprisingly only took 4 months of work. And they answer to the Council", Tony As Tony's trust in his team grows, he tells them one by one the truth about the most fragile part of himself - the arc reactor sitting in his chest. Sure, he was a useful addition in the team, but was he really that deserving to be in the Avengers? But when Loki shows them the multiverse that also have several other Tony Starks in it, they will find out why Tony Stark is possibly the most dangerous man on the Earth. It didn't took Tony long to rest more heavily against him, and when the first little snore reached Bucky's ears he allowed himself a small chuckle. Tony looked down at his hands, unsure if he could really speak up and tell them all. He was back in that cave in Afghanistan being plunged into the water so that they could get as many secrets as they could. Even know everyone on the team knew Tony saw Natasha like a little sister, he liked to pretend he didn't like her. Howard says calmly, taking the time to actually look every one of the people Tony once called his team mates in the eyes. To truly see the genius. Trust me. No way. " The avengers all turned to look at Tony, their eyes questioning. Of course, he wasn't overly sensitive. "Didn't we already do so, man of iron?" Thor asked. He didn't show it, because soldiers weren't supposed to show fear, but he was scared for Tony, scared out of his mind. The doctors reattached the lines that had become dislodged in Tony's panic and Steve kept talking to Tony to calm him down. The team looked at each other in a silent conversation. Misunderstood Tony Stark. "We don't think any less of you for being afraid," Clint calmly told Tony, making Tony jump. "I am truly sorry sir. Tony Stark would power a suit with the only thing keeping him alive to stop a man who was more powerful in every aspect. " "Because that boy was me. " Tony stared at her. Bonus of Loki having to deal with the torture and lack of control while decided where his place in the world is. " He can tell when people are afraid of him, and how afraid. "Okay, who showed Peter, Cape Fear?" Tony asked. Sure, they love having the Hulk on their side, but nobody is exactly willing to face him outside of a battle with aliens. His body forming a perfect Loki shaped hole so it looked like he was cemented into the crater itself, it was something Tony only would have thought would be possible in old cartoons. He thinks you're afraid of him. " Tony said, trying to give off the vibe of not caring, and failing. But it wasn't just how they helped the team, but that, with the exception of Thor and Bruce, those two could absolutely destroy the team. " "Bruce, whatever happens, I'll handle it. I'm busy. Marco Santoni or the 'illusion' was a wannabe villain who had a remarkable amount of influence. Aunt May dies in a fire caused by Tony and Peter belives that her death is the avengers fault. Tony had been shit scared with regard to what had happened with the kid. "I found it quite amusing. Protective Clint! Comforting Clint! Comforting Tony! Brotherly love and fluff! Guilty Natasha and Steve. After Steve yells at him over something trivial, Bucky realizes that theres a problem. Well, he was aright and Tony was damn proud of him and had asked him to become an Avenger. Let him in," Tony mumbled, hunching over again. Dec 31, 2015 · 5+1 Things. Teamfic. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - [Iron Man/Tony S. Repeated Steve over and over again until Tony began to calm down a little bit. They knew that being on the Avengers meant a lot to Tony, a lot more than he usually let on. " Saaammmmyyy… what's the matter?" Peter. , Hawkeye/Clint B. How was he supposed to breathe when the room was so small, when the air was so suffocating, when his brain was consumed by so many voices? "Because that boy was me. Team-fic, Pepperony, some hurt!Tony, big Tony-whump in later chapters! Enjoy! May 27, 2019 · "I don't think I understand your question. Emotions? That was something very difficult, something he couldn't make an equation for. Bucky will do anything to see Tony smile for once. The first person he'd ever trusted with his heart. And maybe he'll fall in love along the way. Tony's body was built of scar tissue. And Tony's head hurts, because it's all too much, because he's the reason why they're here and it's too much for him to comprehend and it makes him scared to know that he's the reason why his team was put in danger. “Thank god you didn’t. Nov 13, 2018 · See Tony Stark was special that way. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Words: 3,845 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Published: 4/29/2018 - Status: Complete - id: 12919891 Jun 17, 2019 · "Natasha is cold," said Tony with a shrug, trying not to be killed by the glare he could feel directed to the back of his head by the red head. They saw Tony's face go white and his eyes involuntarily widened in fear. how to submit sunday today mug shots. Sep 21, 2019 · "Breathe, Tony. Except Tony. He must have been so scared. The Terrorist Avengers haven't done anything of the sort. "Don't give away our strengths and weaknesses. Strawberry Smoothies. Iron Man. Instinctively, Tony shifted so there was a table between them. Tony thankfully didn't seem to affected by the whole thing, other than being more afraid of water than ever. After the Battle of New York as the media had called it, Tony had Stark Tower almost completely rebuilt. Following through to do his best for Tony, Thor would announce himself, making it known that he was there rather than being quiet. The worry in Tony's eyes, frankly, scared the hell out of Bruce. Tony deliberated for a couple seconds then sighed. Beach balls are Thor's thing. "Just tired" The rest of the Avengers seemed to take this as an answer and returned back to their conversations but kept the volume lower out of respect. He knew a little bit about most of them, but no one thought to warn him about one Clint Barton. - Words: 2,536 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 16 - Published: 7/23/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9520802 Tony Stark hoped that with the split of the Avengers and half of the team on the run, the Accords would fizzle out. " Tony cursed. As the two backup Avengers were controlled by mind control and are making up for there mistakes even though they weren't willingly doing anything. Suddenly he wasn't in the pool in Avengers Tower anymore. - Words: 3,796 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 991 - Follows: 190 - Published: 2/3/2013 "Clint don't," Tony said as he was being brought closer to the water. He didn't hate Clint, not Vice was now having a guard move a large tank of water over to Tony's side. This is epic. Tony has a fear of water from his time in Afghan and a crush on Clint. I don't need to eat" I shot back. In Steve's head, he was the leader, so he was supposed to lay down on the wire, take the pain, make the hard decisions, and most of all protect his team, no matter the Oct 20, 2019 · One god of Mischief, knocked out for the count. "Yeah Jarvis. Behind Tony was a rather large green creature, grinning. " Bruce pleaded, and Tony tried his best to ignore the puppy dog eyes the other man gave him. "Speaking of Stark Tower, why did you pull us all out in the first place?" Clint asked Tony. Steve was terrified. Tony ignores the rest of the team, not feeling up to explaining Thor that yes, normal humans' bodies have some reaction after eating pounds of sugary treats. "Mistttteeeerrrr Ssstttaaarrrkkk, won't you come play with me?" "No can do, kid…" Tony said shivering again. Tony Stark would risk getting blown out of the sky to deploy a stranger's parachute. " "Bad idea," Natasha commented, not even looking up. He's fallen into a deep depression and doesn't socialize. What they don't notice is that their words and actions to get Tony to be quiet are slowly pushing him towards a panic attack. No. But it has been a week since the Avengers last mission and you haven't eaten in 4 days". "Killjoys. Okay? No one is going to get hurt. The team often grows tired of Tony's words and aren't afraid to let him know it. Aug 27, 2012 · Tony decided to not look around the room for something to use in fear of uttering a girly scream and throwing up over Natasha, instead searching on his body for something small and metallic that he could use to reconnect the wires and get communication back up with his team. The genius enjoyed working with them as Tony wasn't afraid for himself. They were two Gifted's going up again four normal humans, provided Tony was unable to get to his suit in time. When Tony asked the Avengers to move into the Tower, he'd expected it to help the team, give them somewhere they'd all be able to call home, and maybe gain a few friends along the way. Tony Whump. And those two backup Avengers have now signed the Accords. One day he decides to play a fun little game with his former friends. "You need to talk to him," she ordered without preamble. Aug 26, 2024 · Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark (3) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (2) Tony Stark & Vision (2) Wanda Maximoff/Vision (1) Steve Rogers & Tony Stark (1) The eyes of his team. Part 1 of 6 of Even A Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day (All Of The Ways The Avengers Have Wronged Tony). Well, Shit. On a scorching hot day, the Avengers decide to go swimming. The Avengers or what is left of them stared down at the body of Tony Stark/Iron man. Although Peter had declined, he said he would join as soon as he was done with school. “Jesus! Clint! I could’ve burned your face off!” Tony said, removing his safety goggles. He'd outlined that clearly enough after realizing he'd told everyone, though nobody had believed that he'd been genuinely worried about his comrade, save for perhaps Bruce, because usually he'd get kick of making the others squirm. He can tell that all the other members of the Avengers still fear him to an extent. It's routine, checking blood sugar, piercing his already scarred fingers and waiting for custom made Stark Industries glucometer to buzz and send the numbers to JARVIS rather than display Tony doesn't trust easily but he trusts the Avengers. " Tony said, the other Avengers were starting to get scared now. RETURN HOME; Videos; Insiders Only; RETURN HOME; Videos Oct 8, 2021 · The Avengers had just completed a mission that had been dragging on for months. " "She really must insist sir. Even Fury is afraid of him. Who knew? The answer is Rhodey. " Images of a young Peter flashed in Tony's mind. Other titles in notes. "And whatever you do. Tony yelped. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Iron Man/Tony S. Summary: The Avengers did not think Tony Stark was needed in this team. ] - Chapters: 3 - Words: 1,845 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 5/30/2016 - Published: 5/16/2016 - Status: Complete - id The last thing he heard before he made it to the elevator was the yells of his team, but the one that was the loudest was Clint's, "TONY!" As he passed his locker in the changing room he had grabbed his jacket which held an old time acquaintance to Tony and as he waited for the elevator to reach his floor he had his hand in his pocket running "Come on Tony- the water's the perfect temperature. "I agree. "I cannot give you his vitals. Read to 6 bad avengers, barton's wife shoots an arrow at him, protective tony stark tony protects everyone and then they protect them, drugged baby Public Bookmark * Those Who Protect a Fractured One by orphan_account With each passing minute, Tony's greatest fear starts to come true as he sees before him the pain Thanos inflicts on his loved ones. In all honesty Tony nearly keels over right there on the spot over the fact that the man that was literally always singing Steve Rogers' praises when Tony was a kid, just called the man worthless. "This is totally going on facebook. " "Oh please, what could this possibly-" "Just don't, Tony," Steve said. He turned out to be a huge annoyance to the team. Tony rolled his eyes, but put the phone away. Tony was too much like Loki, which allowed Thor the advantage to see through him. Warning: there will be self-harm in latter chapter. "Man of Iron, please depart!" Thor booms. He doesn't fear the Hulk, he respects him and Bruce, telling the latter to stop running from his demon(s). Works; Bookmarks Between the Avengers Team officially going public, Gohan balancing his time with his Family, Superhero Duties, and Schoolwork, Goten becoming a Super Saiyan, (at age 4 and a half!) and Tony beginning a romantic relationship with his childhood hero & now close friend Steve Rogers, the Stark family's lives have become far more complicated than Tony has a new suit in his nursery and the entire team must of course acknowledge its arrival. Tony stayed in Bruce's arms for what felt like hours. " "A Tony didn't do things by halves. I don't own Avengers or anything Marvel or Norse Mythology where I heard this from. (No romance) Tony introduced Friday first, her lilting Irish voice greeting him sunnily from the speakers in the walls, and to the New Avengers that they saw on the tour and Bucky was surprised to find himself greeted cheerfully and welcomed by most of them; a few were understandably weary but not in horrible way; it was refreshing. The person who Part 10 in a series. And, even Avengers get scared sometimes (read: often). They couldn't believe that they had already lost one of their members and this was the first big fight that they fought together. Not to be disheartened, Tony patted down Natasha's clothes Trying to forget what day it was and to escape the lecture from Rogers, Toni locked herself in her lab to work on a project; however, she never expected her unfinished device to misfire and sent her back to the sexist 1940's. Author's note: So Loki gets hurt while they're on a mission and needs stitches but when the team tells him, he starts to freak out. Tony demanded, glaring at the general who had taken a small step back from the three other Avengers that were now glaring at him. Aquaphobia. Natasha glared at him. He isn't wearing the suit you gave him, you took that away. There were other voices too, one of them Tony's, but they weren't directed towards Peter. Tony had his goggles on, welding metal together when Clint swung down from the nearest vent without so much as a warning. The entire team blanched when they saw it. But that single mission manages to shatter everything and now the team has to pick up the pieces, but there's a long way to go. He struggled more at his After the civil war, the Rogues return to the compound. coefficient of thermal expansion of steel. Once he had calmed enough, he saw the rest of the team, huddled around him. The only person who never touches the Omega is Thor which is a shame as Tony had always had a not so small crush on Thor. " Tony smirked at the slightly downcast look in Bruce's eyes, feeling an immense sense of guilt at once. He just wouldn't stay down…or dead. "Tony! Get out of here!" Bruce screams. . He had spent enough time with Tony to read his body language. "Don't even remind me of that" Bruce shuddered. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Avengers Team Members/Loki (Marvel) Bruce Banner/Clint Barton/Loki/Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark/Thor Tony gave a pleased little noise at that and so Bucky kept it up. "Clint, stop. " With that, Tony went back to his seat, threw his feet onto the table, and pretended that the mist in front of his face from the cold did not bother him. "Take care of your team, Rogers. I've got this. He understands them. "We're going to do a little team bonding exercise. He must have been Tony pulled a phone from his back pocket. Nothing. "Sorry Brucey- Bru, there is no way I am getting in that water, I don't do swimming. Also, Dum-E is a genius. He leaves the team and wreaks havoc around New York, becoming a dangerous and crazy villain. Jun 24, 2024 · Tags. Work Search tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Rhodey gives Steve a bit of a dressing down where it concerns the care and feeding of Tony Stark. Feb 14, 2013 · "Tony? Tony what did he say?!" Steve shouts.